小吃美食与风味特产Snacks and Specialties

zz.fjsen.com  2022-10-12 10:11:08   来源:南山书院  我来说两句



Siguo Tang

Reputedly known as “the Land of Flowers and Fruits”, Zhangzhou abounds with more fruits in summer, a season into which comes Siguo Tang, literally understood as “Four Fruits Sweet Soup”. Since the “Four Fruits Sweet Soup” came into being a very long time ago, people nowadays hardly know what the original four fruits are, while they do know that the present Siguo Tang not only consists of such main ingredients as lotus seeds (without kernel), white fungus, adzuki beans, mung beans, seeds of Job’s tears, sweet potato starch cubes, herb jelly, candied plums, etc., but also is enriched by some seasonal fruits like water melons, pineapples and so on. This popular dessert is usually consumed with cooled sugar water together with some or all of the above ingredients, fruits and crushed ice topping, which offers sweet and cool relief on a hot summer day.



Lu Mian (Noodles in Starchy Soup)

In Zhangzhou, the tradition of eating Lu Mian on festivals or celebrations can be traced back to more than one thousand years ago, and it has long enjoyed the good reputation for being indispensable for such joyous occasions in life. Zhangzhou Lu Mian features heavily on its soup, which is thick and nutritious. Mixed with whisked eggs, sweet potato starch and some soy sauce, the bone broth is greatly enriched by sliced meat, shelled shrimps, shredded dried squids, dried lily flowers, shredded shii-takes, scallops etc. Instant-boiled noodles, bean sprouts and vegetables, poured on the enriched bone broth, are usually served with some or all of the following pot-stewed stuffs, such as marinated meat, marinated intestine, marinated eggs, marinated bamboo shoots, deep-fried twisted dough sticks, spicy deep-fried pork rolls, and so on. Besides, ground pepper and coriander are also sprinkled to add flavor to the freshly-made appetizing Lu Mian.



Shouzhua Mian (Noodle Rolls)

Shouzhua Mian, commonly known as “Noodle Rolls with Deep-fried Tofu” or “Noodles with Spicy Deep-fried Pork Rolls”, is a local snack uniquely existing in Zhangzhou of Southern Fujian Province. It gains the popularity as a special cold dish in Fujian cuisine for its local flavor and easy consumption. To make a typical roll of such noodles, you usually put a piece of deep-fried tofu or a spicy deep-fried pork roll on a share of ready-made noodles, then spread it with some relishes like peanut butter, garlic sauce and mustard, etc.. (Sweet chili sauce and barbeque sauce are also good choices for people who like them.) Use your hands to roll all these, and you finally get a famous noodle roll ready. The spicy, sweet, sour and hot taste of such a noodle roll will give you an appetite.



Maozai Zhou (Rice Porridge with Assorted Seafood)

Maozai Zhou, or Rice Porridge with Assorted Seafood, is one of the local-flavor snacks in Zhangzhou, of which Zhao’an County is best known for. To cook this dish, firstly, you need to put some steamed rice into the boiled bone soup. Then, add in some shrimps, sliced pork, sliced fish, sliced duck gizzards, shredded dried squids, and shredded black mushrooms etc. When the rice soup is boiled, put into such seasonings as salt, chicken essence or MSG, soy sauce, ground pepper and some smashed cloves of garlic. Turn off the gas as soon as the soup is boiled again. Usually, some coriander can be added to improve the taste. Freshly cooked and immediately served, Maozai Zhou is popularly favored all year round.


“石码五香”是漳州龙海地区的传统名小吃。每逢过年过节,家家户户必备卤面,配以五香条来招待亲朋好友,这已成了石码的传统民俗。其具体做法是:将猪的前腿肉切成条状,与番薯粉、葱花、五香粉、精盐、味精、砂糖等原料加水调制成馅,再用豆皮将馅卷成直径约2至3厘米的长条,放油锅里用文火炸熟。配上蕃茄汁或辣椒酱等,趁热食用,外酥内嫩、油而不腻, 香、酥、脆、鲜,妙不可言。

Wuxiang (Spicy Deep-fried Pork Rolls)

Wuxiang, or Spicy Deep-fried Pork Rolls, is a traditional snack in Longhai, Zhangzhou. On festive occasions, it is customary to entertain guests with Lu Mian (Noodles in Starchy Soup) and Wuxiang. To make such a Wuxiang, you need to mix strips of pork shoulders with sweet potato starch, chopped green onion, Five Spices Powder, salt, MSG, granulated sugar and water for the first step. Then put the mixture on a piece of soybean sheet, and roll it into a strip 2 to 3 centimeters in diameter. Then, fry it on slow fire. When the color of the soybean sheet turns to dark brown, take it out of the cooking oil. Thus, a typical Wuxiang is ready; and it can be consumed with either tomato sauce or chili sauce.



Runbing (spring rolls or mixed vegetable rolls)

Local people in Zhangzhou have the custom of eating spring rolls during tomb-sweeping day. The main raw materials of spring rolls are spring bamboo shoots,carrots, cabbage, chives, mung bean sprouts,mushrooms, crisp seaweeds, pork,shrimp meat, etc. When you enjoy the spring roll, you can taste it with various sauces and a thin flour cover will be used to roll up all kinds of stuffing.




Guobianhu(also known as Dingbianhu)is one of common breakfasts in Zhangzhou. The freshly prepared Guobianhu tastes more delicious and tender. It is made easily and eaten simply with few materials such as some chopped chives or leeks, small pieces of deep-fried dough sticks. If some sauced pork, bamboo shoots or tofu are added, it will be terribly delicious.



Dou Hua Fen Si (Tofu pudding with vermicelli)

“Dou Hua” (Tofu pudding) is also known as “Dou Fu Nao” in the northern part of China. “Dou Hua” usually tastes sweet and is very popular in many places of China, while “Dou Hua” in Zhangzhou can fall into sweet and salty one. Sweet “Dou Hua” is eaten with rock candy or white sugar water. Salty “Dou Hua” is commonly matched with bean vermicelli as well as some pork, sausages, bamboo shoots, dried turnip, dried small shrimps, barbeque sauce, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, parsley and so on.



Baked Chicken in Salt

Baked Chicken in Salt maintains the original flavor of chicken with its unique cooking ways including salt treatment method, steam method or water-boiling method. It may taste a bit different with different cooking methods. The authentic Baked Chicken in Salt tastes terribly delicious with crisp golden skin, attractive smell and tender meat. Many customers are attracted by Baked Chicken in Salt of Yundongyan Cave which is a famous tourist attraction in Longwen District of ZhangZhou.


以大米磨浆放进蒸笼里蒸熟, 即称为“粿”。用布或香蕉叶为垫,把米浆倒进笼屉里蒸成一整块,吃时再用刀或线割成小块。咸粿就是用这种蒸法并加入虾皮、花生碎、葱油等蒸成的。此外还有加入南瓜及配料的“金瓜粿”,加入萝卜的“菜头粿”,加糖的“甜粿”,加糖和小苏打的“发粿”等。在比较隆重的祭祀中,必须用整块的粿,而且中心要插上红色的兰蕉花。

Xian Guo (Salty Rice Cake)

When rice is ground up to rice paste and put into a food steamer for some time, a rice cake comes into being. Traditionally, a clean cotton cloth should be spread in the bamboo steamer with some banana leaves put inside. Pour the rice paste into the steamer and heat it until the rice paste is solidified. A knife or a think thread is also needed to divide the solid rice paste, or the rice cake, into smaller pieces for the sake of easy consumption. A salty rice cake is the steamed rice paste mixed with small dried shrimps, crushed peanuts, fried chopped onions and so on. If you are fond of pumpkin flavor, you can mix the rice paste with mashed pumpkin; radish flavor, with white radish; sweet flavor, with sugar. Usually, people also mix the rice paste with sugar and baking soda to make Fa Guo, a steamed sponge-shaped rice cake. In grand rituals, a complete rice cake is required with a red crafted canna stuck in the top center.



Triangle Pies

With very special taste, triangle pies are one of the most classical and most familiar snacks in Zhangzhou. It is said that triangle pies are originally Chaozhou-flavor snacks. When triangle pies come to Zhangzhou, it becomes very popular with the innovation and improvement. Toasted in special cooking tools, triangle pies in Zhangzhou can be called the Zhangzhou-flavor hamburgers with golden crisp skin and yummy soft fillings. In recent years, Triangle Pies in Zhangzhou have developed into more than ten kinds and are praised by anyone who has ever tasted.

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